Facebook Application Review: Super Cool School Makes Learning Anything Free and Easy

Facebook Application Review: Super Cool School Makes Learning Anything Free and Easy

It’s no surprise that the internet is moving at a fast pace. Every day it seems like something new is out and about creating a buzz and attracting visitors. With all the vast amounts of information where do you go to just learn without all the distractions?

A new Facebook application by the name of Super Cool School has been developed with the hopes of educating individuals looking to learn about business techniques ranging from offline to online with topics such as social marketing and to how to write a business plan.

Each class is interactive with video, audio, chat and a virtual blackboard so classmates can interact with each other and also learn from each other. Unlike other online classes you have to purchase this one is free, fun and is introduced on a social level. For many trying to take classes and actually have to travel to a physical location just might not work with many people’s schedules these days. This way you can interact just like in a class room but sitting in your living room. If you can’t find a topic that you want to learn about you can actually request a specific area you want more understanding on and Super Cool School will find an expert to teach the topic of your choice.

Facebook Application Review: Super Cool School Makes Learning Anything Free and Easy

The best part is it doesn’t cost you one red cent to use. This is a great place for you to meet others with same interests so that you can network and build good long lasting relationships with. Super Cool School brings the power of knowledge and social media networking to one location.

If you are like many people that want to learn something but really don’t have the time to go out and search for available classes come check out Super Cool on Facebook and find out for yourself just how easy it is to learn again.

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